Priority Issues.
Public Education Support
Our three children, Sandy, and I all benefitted from great public-school educations. I believe that New Hampshire should increase state support of public education to alleviate some of the cost burden from towns.
Reproductive Rights Protection
The State should not legislate a woman’s reproductive decisions. This should be between the patient and her doctors only. I will work to codify this right.
Gun Violence Reduction
Gun violence is the leading cause of child fatality. While New Hampshire is by no means the worst state, as our neighbors in Maine found, all it takes is one incident to experience the tragic regret of non-action. I will support reasonable common-sense actions to reduce the potential for a tragic event in our state.
Environmental Change Preparedness
I am committed to slowing down climate change. We also need to prepare for the reality of rising sea levels and their impact on our oceanfront and rivers. Tourism, fishing, and agriculture are vital components to our state revenues. We need to be sure we are doing all we can to protect these industries.
Affordable Housing Creation
Lack of affordable housing is a huge barrier to New Hampshire realizing its full economic potential. Developers need to be incentivized to build the product and still make a reasonable profit. The State should play a central role by bringing our communities together to address this shared challenge.